
ERP on HANA Database by End of the Year

With the end of this year, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution will be running on the HANA database. The port of Core ERP Module is completely on track with the supportive measure of RTC abbreviated as Release to customers. RTC is a short stage determining the general availability of controlled group of initial customers.

Glimpse of ERP over HANA database

Eventually, SAP aims to hook up with the customers in the present scenario for offering running Oracle’s database over to HANA database. SAP’s ERP software solution is intentionally not optimized for single data store and only makes use of stored procedures. According to a FAQ document, it has been evaluated that to optimize the ERP solution on HANA is quite important to push the logic into the database. Moreover, one need to make use of the SAP HANA stored procedure language called as SQL Script.

Although one may find technical hurdles for HANA-Business Suite port that appears to be insurmountable. All the efforts made by SAP to cause adverse effect over the Oracle database customers result as fierce tactical resistance and also count attack the marketing values of Oracle. It may also acquire several years for SAP to create the critical high-profile frame to switch some of the crucial selling idea of HANA from the bulk of user base.

Prognosis For ERP Launch Over HANA Database

In the meantime, the company has planned to boast HANA’s initial success with its more than 350 customers. Amongst those customers, approximately 150 have already completed the process of implementations related to undergoing pilot projects and other earlier-stage activities. Some 2,000 people worldwide are trained on HANA database.

Moreover, during Sapphire conference in mid-May, SAP had also announced the availability of Amazon Web Services with the HANA instances for developers. With this announcement, more than 200 HANA instances have raised with AWS.

Glimpse Of Success

These have finally resulted with the successes of the ERP Solution that appear to be significant in terms of cost and effort. The ERP software company has made HANA hype a key ingredient for public events to position an eventual future for convergence point based on specific technologies.


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solutions

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has many benefits and should be adopted by all. MetaOption, LLC is a global IT service provider and provides excellent ERP Solutions. So, what’s in Our Secret Sauce?

First of all, No Secrets! Our process is 100% transparent and there is always direct access to an officer in the company. Our test engineers examine each and every solution that we develop. Doing so insures absolute minimums on implementation risk and maintenance. Because we concentrate heavily on training, end user adoption is high and is maintained through consistent support.

We guarantee that solutions will function as you would expect and in most cases, you can expect a more efficient and effective operational integrity. To get a free quote from us or to know more about out services, please visit our official website:
